Visitors are welcome to tour most New Hampshire sugar houses for the duration of the maple season, learning both about the syrup process and about the source of their food. However, a special NH Maple Weekend will be held this weekend, March 24 and 25, 2012. This event will allow visitors to watch the process from tree tapping and sap collecting to boiling down. Nearly 60 Host Houses will show how modern technology has allowed the process to become easier and will talk about the history of this tradition.

Jack McCullough holds up one jug of sap and one small bottle of finished maple syrup last year illustrating the ratio of sap to syrup being about 40 to 1. Image by Keith Tharp
Our local Sugar House, Peterson’s, will be host to visitors during this year’s Maple Weekend. Peterson’s, located right in Londonderry, NH at 28 Peabody Row, will be open from 12 to 5 both Saturday and Sunday. This is just minutes from the Massachusetts border and only 45 miles from downtown Boston.
Hank will show visitors how the sap is collected and turned to maple syrup using a wood-fired evaporator. Visitors are welcome to tour the sugar house and samples of sap, syrup, and more will be available. If you’ve never been, be sure not to miss this family event!
For more information on this statewide event, visit the Maple Producer’s website. To see pictures of Peterson’s Sugar House at a past year’s event, read NH Maple Weekend in Pictures by Keith Tharp.